- O -
OEM- Original Equipment Manufacturer.
OFF ROAD BIKE- A motorcycle designed for use in the dirt or off-pavement. They are typically not street legal, but sometimes they have lights and larger gas tanks.
ONE-OFF- A product or part that is not designed to be mass produced. It can refer to a one-of-a-kind bolt-on or a fully customized motorcycle.
ONE PERCENTER- Many years ago, the AMA stated that 99% of motorcyclists are law abiding people and only 1% cause trouble. Those riders who felt they were in that 1% assumed the name One Percenters and started wearing patches denoting themselves as One
OPINION- An explanation written by the judge explaining his decision.
ORDINANCE- A law passed by a local or municipal government.
ORIGINAL JURISDICTION- The first court to which a legal dispute is referred.
OVERRULE- In a trial, to overrule means to reject an objection.