New York Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
Motorcycle Glossary D |
- D -
DOHC- Dual Over Head Cams. Two camshafts found in the head or top of the engine that open and close the valves. Two cams allow more precise control than one.
DOT- Each country has its own separate DOT. It’s a government agency that regulates all phases of transportation, including all types of vehicles, as well as roads and highways. A
DOT rating on a motorcycle helmet indicates that it’s passed DOT testing and a DOT sticker can be found inside the helmet.
DAMAGES- The sum of money awarded to the injured party in a personal injury lawsuit.
DAYTONA- The famous Daytona Bike Week held in late February to early March.
DEFAULT JUDGEMENT- A judgment issued when the defendant offers no defense by not responding to the complaint. A judge may issue a judgment without the necessity of a trial.
DEFENDANT- The person against whom a claim is brought.
DEPOSITION- A pretrial discovery device in which one party verbally answers questions from the other party.
DEPONENT- The person who testifies at a deposition.
DISCOVERY- Methods and procedures by which information is made available to each party prior to trial. Discovery may include depositions, interrogations, requests for production of documents, and demands for independent medical examinations.
DISPLACEMENT- The size of the engine; specifically, the total volume found in the cylinders. This is usually expressed in cc (cubic centimeters) or ci (cubic inches). Generally, the larger the displacement, the more powerful the motor.
DOCKET- A summary system kept by the clerk’s office which contains a record of all pleadings, court orders and other important activities in a case.
DRESSER- Normally a large fully equipped bike with fairing, saddlebags, and a trunk.
DUAL SPORT- Street legal motorcycles that provide varying levels of off-road capabilities. Not as focused as pure off-road or pure street motorcycles. Also known as dual-purpose.
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